Clerk to the Council:  Emily Simpson

Tel:  07881714526  






Cllr Fischel

Ashurst Parish Council (APC)

Cllrs Knight, Nicholson, Russell

Horsham District Council (HDC)

There were none.


Mike Simpson


There were three members of the public.

1.  Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

1a. To elect a Chairman for the next Council year

Councillors RESOLVED to elect Councillor Fischel as Chairman and it was noted that the Chairman automatically becomes Chairman of the Ashurst Recreation Ground Trust in addition of the Council. Cllr Fischel signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Chairman.

1b. To elect a Vice Chairman for the next Council year

Councillors RESOLVED to elect Councillor Russell as Vice Chairman.

 2. Attendance and apologies for absence

Councillors RESOLVED to accept apologies from Councillor Hammond.

 3. Co-option

Councillors considered an application from Mark Knight and RESOLVED to co-opt him onto the Council. He then signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting as a Councillor.  

 4. To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation

There were none for this meeting.

 5. Appointments to outside bodies

Councillors RESOVLED to appoint Councillors Russell and Fischel to HALC and Councillors Russell and Fischel to WSALC.

 6. Public session

A member of the public spoke about his concern about the speed of vehicles through Ashurst, especially north bound traffic. He said there was a school sign yet he still saw people overtaking the school bus or dangerously overtaking bicycles. He spoke about the potential danger to cyclists as well as pedestrians and said there was no verge for walkers. He appreciated the Parish Council could not do much but asked if it could lobby WSCC and the police to do something. Cllr Nicholson said he was in frequent communication with Sussex Safer Roads Partnership but as there had been no significant incidents, this stretch of road was not considered a priority and they could not do anything. At the SSRP meeting in March, the Parish Council requested authorization to erect traffic calming measures such as slow signs; Councillor Nicholson had not had a recent update so said he would make further contact. The Council then spoke about Speedwatch and encouraged more residents to get involved as it could then take place more often. The Chair mentioned the possibility of requesting another Speedwatch.


The same member of public also enquired if the Council knew how much longer lorries would be tipping as it had been happening for 2 years. The Chair suggested writing to the Council who could then look into it further.

 7. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th March 2023

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the minutes from the meeting on 16th March 2023 as a true and accurate record.


8. County Councillor Reports

There were none.

9. District Councillor Reports

There were none and both of the new Councillors for the District Council sent their apologies and looked forward to meeting the Parish Council in the near future.

10. HALC update

Councillor Fischel reported that there had been no meeting since the last Council meeting and the next meeting was scheduled for 26th July.

11. Certificate of Exemption

The Certificate of Exemption from external audit for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23 was approved.

12a. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)Internal Audit Report

Councillors reviewed the internal audit report for 2022-23 and RESOLVED to approve it.

12b. Section 1 of the AGAR

Members reviewed Section 1 and RESOLVED to approve it which was then signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

12c. Section 2 of the AGAR

Councillors then reviewed Section 2 and RESOLVED to approve it which was then signed by the Chairman having already been signed by the Responsible Financial Officer.

12d. Notice of electors’ rights

Councillors confirmed the dates for the notice for electors’ rights as 12th June to 21st July 2023.  

13. Insurance Renewal

The Clerk informed the Council that the policy was currently in a 3 year Long Term Undertaking and so would be automatically renewed on the terms already agreed unless they were advised of any amendments.  The Clerk advised that the renewal date was 1 June 2023 and after reviewing the policy Councillors RESOLVED to approve the renewal premium of £368.92.


14. Planning Applications

DC/23/0610 Honeybridge Farm Honeybridge Lane Ashurst West Sussex

Application to confirm the existing siting of a static caravan within residential garden to provide ancillary accommodation for a period in excess of ten years (Lawful Development Certificate Existing).

No objection

DC/23/0644 Doves Farm Spithandle Lane Wiston West Sussex.

Replacement of existing garage with a new garage.

No objection

 DC/23/0685 New Wharf Farm Horsebridge Common Ashurst West Sussex.

Change of use of land to paddleboard training, storage and hire of canoes, kayaks and paddle boards, retention of shingle hard surfacing for associated car parking and the siting of two storage trailers and a porta loo between April and September each year.

No objection

15. Planning Decisions from HDC

There were none.


16. Payments and bank reconciliations

The bank balance at Lloyds as of 10th May 2023 was £21,955.91.


The Clerk presented the schedule of payments since the last meeting on 16th March 2023, together with the bank reconciliation up to 31st March 2023 (See Appendix 2) which Councillors RESOLVED to approve.


The Clerk also confirmed that the first half of the precept had been received on 28th April 2023 for a sum of £6,700.


Schedule of payments since the last meeting (16th March 2023)

3.5.23  E Simpson (reimbursement for Yola Silver Annual Renewal)



3.5.23 E Simpson (reimbursement for Yola Domain Renewal)



3.5.23 E Simpson (reimbursement for Yola Registration information privacy)




WSALC subscription 2023-24




BHIB Insurance Premium 2023-24




Mulberry & Co




E Simpson (Salary April & May 2023)




E Simpson (Office allowance April & May 2023)




HMRC (E Simpson tax for April & May 2023)






*Above total does not include the Clerk’s salary or tax.


17. Recreation Ground

a. To receive a report on the Recreation Ground Trust’s income and expenditure for the period from 21st January 2023 to 20th March 2023.

The bank balance as of 20th March 2023 was £6,668.69.

 Income received 21st January 2023 – 20th March 2023

EDF energy rebate


Total income  = £150.00

 Expenditure authorised 21st January 2023– 20th March 2023

 Wicksteed Cradle swing replacement £179.03

Bartlett tree experts - Potassium phosphite solution £144.00

Cllr Ali Wilson - Reimbursement for Envirochem water testing £34.51

E Simpson - Reimbursement for Water Stream (water rates) £37.74

HDC Non-domestic rates bill £101.38

EDF Electricity £18.00

HSBC Bank Charges To 19 Jan 2023 £5.40


Total expenditure = £520.06


b. The Chair and Clerk had spoken at length about the issues with HSBC and it was AGREED that the Clerk would open a bank account with Lloyds for the Recreation Ground Trust as it was proving extremely difficult to add the Clerk to the HSBC account.

 c. The Chair informed the Council that the current fees were £1300 for West Sussex County Council to hire the Recreation Ground for the school. These fees now needed to be reviewed as it was time to invoice WSCC for 2023-24. After discussion, the Council AGREED to the following charges on a three year contract: £1400 for the first year, £1450 for the second year and £1500 for the third year.

 d. After discussion, the Council RESOLVED to charge Ashurst United Football Club £750 per annum for the hire of the Recreation Ground for 2023/24 with the same terms as their last contract.

 e. The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Russell had kindly taken receipt of the cradle swing for the playground and replaced it himself.

 f. The Clerk received a call from a lady who coached the Ashington Kougars U9’s football team and said they were looking for a new ground to train every week, ideally on a Tuesday after school and she would like to know how much it would cost to hire the Recreation Ground on a weekly basis. The Coach said that they did not need any weekend fixtures. After discussion, the Council decided not to proceed with this proposal.

 g. The Chair advised the Council that the cost for the potassium phosphite solution for the oak tree located at the corner of the car park, adjacent to the main road was £120+vat. She advised that the treatment would take place on Saturday.


Discussion then ensued about a B2135 litter pick on a Sunday in June and the 4th was suggested. Councillors voiced concerns as it was a dangerous road and they wanted confirmation that volunteers would be covered under the Council’s insurance. Conversation then moved to the news that a child fell into the rope on the cricket pitch and the Council wondered what it could do to prevent such incidents from happening again. It was suggested that a sign could be erected to make the public aware that they should not play on or near the rope. A letter to the school to remind all students of this was another idea which was being considered.


h. The Chair reported that she had met with 3 architects and would invite them to a future meeting to discuss their ideas with the Council. It was still to be decided if it would be a refurbishment or a new build, with the latter came more restrictions such as disabled access.



18. Speedwatch and Speed Restrictions at Bines Green

The Chair advised that Speedwatch had been largely discussed during the public session and that it was as active as it could be with the limited number of volunteers currently signed up to help. With regards to Bines Green, Councillors said they were not sure speed signs would slow traffic and ultimately RESOLVED to remain neutral on the topic with the suggestion of canvassing residents in the affected area.


19. Rampion

Councillor Knight said he had received a letter which referred to Ashurst Parish Council as landowner and as this was not the case, the Council AGREED not to respond to this consultation as it had already stated its position twice in the past. Councillor Knight confirmed the Parish Council’s policy had always been not to comment on the route of the cable corridor but to encourage Rampion to liaise with landowners in an open-minded discussion.


 20. GDPR

Councillors were reminded to delete emails older than 6 months.

21. Correspondence

The Clerk reminded Councillors that their expenses return had to be submitted to Horsham District Council by 1st June, even if it was a nil return.

22. Future Council Dates

The Clerk reported that future council dates had already been agreed and were as follows:

12th July

21st September (Recreation Ground Annual Meeting beforehand at 7pm)

16th November


The Chair closed the meeting at 9pm.




 Appendix 2


Bank Reconciliation March 2023

Balance per bank statement

Closing balance 31st March 2023


Add: outstanding receipts


Less: outstanding payments


Cheque 811

Net balances


Cashbook (balance as of 1st April 2022)


Add receipts (from 1st April - 28th Feb)


Less payments (from 1st April - 28th Feb)


Net balance
